By Hanne Haack Larsen

In NSCF we focus on the entire science centre, which means we embrace all functions of our organizations and give voice to all members. In 2018, our focus was on development, cooperation and funding, and in 2019 the main theme will be concentrated on operations e.g. marketing, explainers, finance, maintenance, the entrance and our shop.  

This year, the newsletters will cover different aspects of these functions and I hope you would like to share your experience with us. In this newsletter, we have an interesting article on how to run a sustainable restaurant at Tekniska Museet. Of course, you are more than welcome to share information on exhibitions like the article from Ahhaa or other interesting issues taking place in your company. We publish newsletters in February, June, August and November, and I encourage all members to contribute by sending articles to one of the board members.  

We are currently planning the yearly conference. It will take place at Vilvite in Bergen from 22 -24 October 2019, and you can find more information about the conference in this newsletter.  

I hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter, and I wish you a wonderful day. 

Best regards
